Short experimental filmDirected and edited by Sasha TamarinEditing director: Thalia HoffmanSound design: Gadi Raz
length: 29 min
Japan, Israel 2020
A few times a year, a beautiful phenomenon called Diamond Fuji occurs when the rising or setting sun aligns with the peak of Mt. Fuji, causing Mt. Fuji to shine bright like a diamond.
Sasha departs on a journey at the foot of Mt. Fuji, in order to make an experimental documentary film about the source of his fascination.
At the foot of Mt. Fuji, he encounters numerous amateur photographers, and the infamous Master, Ohyama-Yukio, who has devoted over 40 years to photographing Mt. Fuji.
Sasha gradually shifts his lens towards those behind the cameras, trying to reflect himself through local photographers, majestic nature, and his pocket digital camera.
The sky is clear and the fingers are ready to press the shutter when all of a sudden, a little cloud appears from behind the mountain.
Festivals screenings & AwardsSapporo International Film Festival, Japan 2021 (Best Documentary Award)
TISFF Tel-Aviv University Film Festival, Israeel 2021 (Best Expirmental Project Award)37th Kasseler DokFest36th Haifa International Film Festival (Winner of the Independent Short Film competition)
DOCAVIV NEXT! 2020, Competition for experimental cinema works
Download film's PressKit
Stills from the films and additional photographs from the trip to Mt. Fuji